The revamped BNT program, hosted by Apenisa Rakanace, will feature 13 episodes focusing on current "talk-of-the-town" issues with guests, humorous anecdotes, and relatable experiences across topics like current affairs and sports.
A weekly recorded singing program featuring call-and-response style chants or songs, where singers express devotion, share legends, and engage audiences with music, dance, and emotive storytelling.
Bula Mix is Fiji's first and only iTaukei music video show, celebrating local talent, featuring new music videos, and sharing the stories behind Fiji's top iTaukei bands and hit songs.
Discover affordable and delicious dining options across Fiji with this culinary guide.
Explore unique and engaging career opportunities that inspire and motivate.
A Fijian cooking show hosted by Chef Lance Seeto, focusing on local superfoods and their health benefits.
Watch the replays of FBC News for real-time updates and in-depth coverage of current events.
Catch FBC News Live every day at 6:30 PM for real-time updates and in-depth coverage of current events.
Around 2000 athletes compete in the Fiji Primary Schools Tuckers Ice Cream Games with 90 gold medals up for grabs over two days.
Celebrate local craftsmanship and innovation by showcasing Fiji's finest products, services, and businesses.
Fijian Time takes viewers on a journey across different parts of Fiji, exploring its unique cultures, traditions, and breathtaking landscapes in each episode.
Fighters from Fiji, China, Australia, Tonga & Vanuatu featuring title bouts and international clashes in a night of non-stop action.
A Fijian lifestyle television show that aired on FBC TV. It focused on various aspects of fashion, art, and culture within Fiji and the Pacific region. The show gained recognition for its unique content.
The McDonald's Coral Coast 7s is a premier rugby sevens tournament held in Fiji, showcasing top local and international teams competing in a vibrant and festive atmosphere.
Embrace a healthier lifestyle with Fiji's ultimate guide to exercise, fitness, and wellness.
Celebrating the triumphs, challenges, and legacies of Fijian women in sports, sharing inspiring stories of athletes, behind-the-scenes contributors, and their journeys to success.
Witness the intense rivalry between the Fiji Police Force and the Republic of Fiji Military Forces in an action-packed showdown.
A dynamic talk show featuring in-depth interviews with prominent guests, delving into current affairs and exploring key issues shaping society today.